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Risultati 1-20 di 130

Slavery and African ethnicities in the Americas

restoring the links

  • Hall, Gwendolin Midlo

From Black power to hip hop

racism, nationalism, and feminism

  • Collins, Patricia Hill

Ghosts of Jim Crow

ending racism in post-racial America

  • Higginbotham, F. Michael

Sulla linea del colore

razza e democrazia negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo

  • Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt


the strange career of a troublesome word

  • Kennedy, Randall

Black bourgeoisie

  • Frazier, Edward Franklin

Ghetto negro [+]

  • Clark, Kenneth Bancroft 1914-

Negri per sempre

l'identità nera tra costruzione della sociologia e linea delcolore

  • Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt

Who's afraid of post-blackness?

what it means to be Black now

  • Touré

Should America pay?

slavery and the raging debate on reparations

Dreams from my father

a story of race and inheritance

  • Obama, Barack

L'emancipazione degli afroamericani

il dibattito negli Stati Uniti prima della guerra civile

  • Ginzburg Migliorino, Ellen

Black rage

  • Grier, William H.


mythical pasts and imagined homes

  • Howe, Stephen

Risultati 1-20 di 130