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Risultati 20-40 di 42

Offenders or victims?

German Jews and the causes of modern Catholic antisemitism

  • Blaschke, Olaf

Jewish responses to anti-semitism in Germany, 1870-1914

a study in the history of ideas

  • Ragins, Sanford

Jews in the eyes of the Germans

from the Enlightenment to imperial Germany

  • Low, Alfred D.

Exclusionary violence

antisemitic riots in modern German history

How Jews became Germans

the history of conversion and assimilation in Berlin

  • Hertz, Deborah

Germans and Jews

the right, the left, and the search for a "third force" in pre-Nazy Germany

  • Mosse, George L.

Ebrei in Germania

storie di vita attraverso le lettere

  • Mattenklott, Gert

Il dialogo ebraico-tedesco

da Goethe a Hitler

  • Mosse, George L.

Il dialogo ebraico-tedesco

da Goethe a Hitler

  • Mosse, George Lachmann