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Risultati 280-300 di 1563

African images

racism and the end of anthropology

  • Rigby, Peter

Les Polynesiens et leurs migrations

  • Quatrefages de Breau, Armand: de

Typen der Ethnogenese unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Bayern

Berichte des Symposions der Kommission fur Fruhmittelalterforschung, 27. bis 30. Oktober 1986, Stift Zwettl, Niederosterreich


Being Maasai

ethnicity & identity in East Africa

L'autre et le semblable

regards sur l'ethnologie des societes contemporaines

Historia del negro en Colombia

sumision o rebeldia?

  • Gutierrez Azopardo, Ildefonso

The voice of the nightingale

a personal account of the Wakhi culture in Hunza

  • Felmy, Sabine

The beginnings of diplomacy

a sociological study of intertribal and international relations

  • Numelin, Ragnar

The ethnological notebooks of Karl Marx

studies of Morgan, Phear, Maine, Lubbock

  • Marx, Karl 1818-1883

Il contributo degli Albanesi d'Italia allo sviluppo della cultura e della civilta albanese

atti del 13. Congresso Internazionale di studi Albanesi : Palermo, 26-28 novembre 1987

  • Congresso internazionale di studi albanesi 13. Palermo 1987

How the world was peopled

ethnological lectures

  • Fontaine, Edward

Primitive man and his ways

patterns of life in some native societies

  • Birket-Smith, Kaj