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Risultati 1-20 di 67

Storia greca

lineamenti essenziali

The Aegean and the Near East

studies presented to Hetty Goldman on the occasion of her seventy-fifth birthday

Les origines de la science greque chez Homère

l'homme et l'univers physique

  • Mugler, Charles

Remembering defeat

civil war and civic memory in ancient Athens

  • Wolpert, Andrew

The history of Greece

with his final additions and corrections

  • Mitford, William

Iasos in Caria

storia e istituzioni sino all'epoca di Alessandro Magno : tesi di dottorato

  • Fabiani, Roberta

Griechen und Perser

die Mittelmeerwelt im Altertum. I


das Land und Volk der alten Griechen : bearbeitet für Freunde des classischen Alterthums, insbesondere für die deutsche Jugend

  • Wägner, Wilhelm

After the past

essays in ancient history in honour of H.W. Pleket


studi offerti dagli allievi a Giuseppe Nenci in occasione del suo settantesimo compleanno

Rosen für Apoll

die Geschichte der Griechen

  • Fernau, Joachim

East and West

cultural relations in the ancient world

Risultati 1-20 di 67