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Risultati 980-1000 di 2063

Lingua, cultura e intercultura

l'italiano e le altre lingue : atti del 8. Convegno SILFI, Società internazionale di linguistica e filologia italiana, Copenaghen, 22-26- giugno 2004


Word classes [+]

nature, typology and representations

Quadrivio romanzo

dall'italiano al francese, allo spagnolo, al portoghese

  • Bach, Svend


perspectives on a key notion in linguistics

Nominal apposition in Indo-European

its forms and functions, and its evolution in Latin-Romance

  • Bauer, Brigitte L. M.

Language use and linguistic structure

proceedings of the Olomouc linguistic colloquium 2016

  • Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2016

Exploring intensification

synchronic, diachronic and cross-linguistic perspectives

Noun-modifying clause constructions in languages of Eurasia

rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries

Lexical polycategoriality

cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches