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Risultati 100-120 di 662

The globalization paradox [+]

why global markets, states, and democracy can : ʼt coexist

  • Rodrik, Dani

Transnational transcendence

essays on religion and globalization

China rules

globalization and political transformation

Civilising globalisation

human rights and the global economy

  • Kinley, David

Knowledge in the development of economies

institutional choices under globalisation

L'agenda digitale europea

mercato, tecnologia e regolamentazione

  • De Longis, Fabrizio

The empathic civilization

the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis

  • Rifkin, Jeremy

The great convergence

information technology and the new globalization

  • Baldwin, Richard E.

The law of globalization

an introduction

  • Boulle, Laurence

Pragmatic cosmopolitanism

representation and leadership in transnational democracy

  • Bray, Daniel

The shock of the global

the 1970s in perspective

Alle radici della globalizzazione

le cause politiche del commercio internazionale

  • Baroncelli, Eugenia

The new global insecurity

how terrorism, environmental collapse, economic inequalities, and resource shortages are changing our world

  • Moghaddam, Fathali M.

Risultati 100-120 di 662