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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 220-240 di 561

Responding to systemic human rights violations

an analysis of pilot judgments of the European Court of the European Court of Human Rights and their impact at national level

Domestic application of the ECHR

courts as faithful trustees

  • Bjorge, Eirik

Human rights and public finance

budgets and the promotion of economic and social rights

The frontiers of human rights

extraterritoriality and its challenges

Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Frieden

Perspektiven globaler Organisation

  • Maus, Ingeborg

Gli stati di eccezione nel diritto internazionale

dalle garanzie giudiziarie minime all'equo processo

  • Palma, Antonio J.

International human rights law

a practical approach

  • Rehman, Javaid