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Risultati 40-60 di 271

Judges and democratization

judicial independence in new democracies

  • Smith, B. C.

Altri codici

sentimenti al lavoro nei galatei forensi

  • Beneduce, Pasquale

La composition des juridictions

perspectives de droit comparé

Judicial selection

the cross-evolution of French and American practices

  • Volcansek, Mary L.

Cultural difference on trial

the nature and limits of judicial understanding

  • Connolly, Anthony J.


the battles and triumphs of FDR’s great Supreme Court justices

  • Feldman, Noah

Juízes e administração da justiça no Antigo Regime

Portugal e o império colonial, séculos 17. e 18

  • Camarinhas, Nuno

Judges and unjust laws

common law constitutionalism and the foundations of judicial review

  • Edlin, Douglas E.

Il rischio del running the business giurisprudenziale

atti del Convegno, Trento, 22-23 maggio 2009

Quattro anni a Palazzo dei Marescialli

idee eretiche sul Consiglio superiore della magistratura

  • Nappi, Aniello

Judicial roulette

report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Judicial Selection

  • O'Brien, David M.

The next justice

repairing the Supreme Court appointments process

  • Eisgruber, Christopher L.

Judging in the Islamic, Jewish and Zoroastrian legal traditions

a comparison of theory and practice

  • Jany, János