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Risultati 340-360 di 4224

Antigeni ed anticorpi gruppo ematici

nozioni applicate alla malattia emolitica del neonato

L'hysterectomie complementaire

hysterectomie apres curietherapie dans les cancers cervico-uterins

  • Brenier, Jacques-L.

Annual report on the results of treatment in gynecological cancer

Nineteenth volume Statements of results obtained in 1976 to 1978, inclusive

Gravidanza e sessualità

indagine psicologica e ginecologica sulla sessualità femminile in gravidanza

  • Codispoti Battacchi, Olga

Operative surgery

gynaecology and obstetrics

  • Rob, Charles

Prevention of neural tube defects

the role of alpha-fetoprotein

Hirsutism and endocrine dermatological problems

the proceedings of a meet-the-experts session held at 12th World congress of gynecology and obstetrics, Rio de >Janeiro, Brazil, October 1988

  • World congress of gynecology and obstetrics 12. Rio de Janeiro 1988

Pathophysiology of congenital heart disease

proceedings of a conference held July 1967