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Risultati 20-30 di 30


  • Ministero del Commercio con l'Estero

Enlightenment and beyond

political economy comes to Japan

  • Sugiyama, Chuhei

The economic development of Japan

growth and structural change 1868 -1938

  • Lockwood, William W.

Why has Japan 'succeded'?

western technology and the Japanese ethos /Michio Morishima

  • Morishima, Michio


the rise and fall of family enterprise groups in Japan

  • Morikawa, Hidemasa

Odd markets in japanese history

law and economic growth

  • Ramseyer, J. Mark

Il sistema di produzione giapponese "Toyota"

dal punto di vista dell'Industrial Engineering

  • Shingo, Shigeo

Risultati 20-30 di 30