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Risultati 1-20 di 166

Come a Gerusalemme

evocazioni, riproduzioni, imitazioni dei luoghi santi tra Medioevo ed età moderna

Below the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

a sourcebook on the cisterns, subterranean chambers and conduits of the Haram al-Sharif

  • Gibson, Shimon

Secular buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem

an archaeological gazetteer

  • Pringle, Denys

The real and ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic art

studies in honor of Bezalel Narkiss on the occasion of his seventieth birthday

The destruction of Jerusalem according to Lukeʼs Gospel

a historical-typological moral

  • Giblin, Charles Homer

Racconti di viaggio

visioni dalla Terrasanta


places and history

  • Copello, Roberto

Palace and temple

a study of architectural and verbal icons

  • McCormick, Clifford Mark

Le mythe de Jérusalem

du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance

La questione di Gerusalemme

profili storici, giuridici e politici, 1920-2005


the Holy City in the eyes of chroniclers, visitors, pilgrims, and prophets from the days of Abraham to the beginnings of modern times

  • Peters, Francis E.


recherches de topographie, d'archéologie et d'histoire

Jerusalem 1000-1400

every people under heaven

Protecting Jerusalems holy sites

a strategy for negotiating a sacred peace

  • Guinn, David E.

The Jewish temple

a non-biblical sourcebook

Le colonne e il tempio di Salomone

la storia, la leggenda, la fortuna

  • Tuzi, Stefania

Risultati 1-20 di 166