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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 448

An introduction to differential geometry

with use of the tensor calculus

  • Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler

Riemannian geometry

  • Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler

Variétés différentiables [+]

formes, courants, formes harmoniques

  • Rham, Georges de

Geometry and topology

lectures given at the Geometry and topology conferences at Harvard university in 2011 and at the Lehigh university in 2012

Differential geometry and topology

  • Fomenko, Anatolij Timofeevic

Singularity theory

selected papers

  • Arnolʹd, Vladimir Igorevic

Topologie et geometrie differentielle

volume IV, 1962-1963 : cahiers du seminaire

Lezioni di geometria differenziale

Volume 3, Teoria delle trasformazioni delle superficie applicabili sulle quadriche

  • Bianchi, Luigi