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Risultati 340-360 di 448

Differential geometry and mathematical physics

AMS-CMS special session on geometric methods in mathematical physics August 15-19, 1993 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

  • AMS-CMS special session on geometric methods in mathematical physics Vancouver 1993

Nonpositive curvature

geometric and analytic aspects

  • Jost, Jurgen

Geometria differenziale


  • Panzarasa, Giulio

Differential geometry and topology

  • Fomenko, Anatolij Timofeevič

Geometry and complex variables

proceedings of an international meeting on the occasion of the 9. centennial of the University of Bologna

Vector bundles and differential equations

proceedings, Nice, France, June 12-17, 1979

Projective differential geometry old and new

from the Schwarzian derivative to the cohomology of diffeomorphism groups

  • Ovsienko, Valentin