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Risultati 1-20 di 387

Symplectic 4-manifolds and algebraic surfaces

lectures given at the CIME summer school held in Cetraro, Italy, September 2-10, 2003

Toric topology

  • Buchstaber, Victor M.

Computing the continuous discretely

integer-point enumeration in polyhedra

  • Beck, Matthias

Nonabelian Jacobian of projective surfaces

geometry and representation theory

  • Reider, Igor

Fundamental algebraic geometry

Grothendieck's FGA explained

Lectures on algebraic geometry

part II : 1937-1938, Princeton university

  • Lefschetz, Solomon

Regular complex polytopes

  • Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald

Cohomologie locale des faisceaux coherents et theoremes de Lefschetz locaux et globaux

seminaire de geometrie algebrique, 1962 : fascicule I (exposés I à VIII)

  • Grothendieck, Alexander

Risultati 1-20 di 387