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Risultati 1-20 di 95

Archaean geochemistry

the origin and the evolution of the Archaean continental crust

Petrologic and structural history of Tobago, west Indies

a fragment of the accreted mesozoic oceanic arc of the southern Caribbean

The Permian extinction and the Tethys

an exercise in global geology

  • Sengör, A. M. Celal

Sequence stratigraphy of siliciclastic systems

the ExxonMobil methodology : atlas of exercises

The terrane puzzle

new perspectives on paleontology and stratigraphy from the North American Cordillera

The Greenland Caledonides

evolution of the Northeast Margin of Laurentia

The early Earth

physical, chemical and biological development

Le Jurassique de la Tunisie Atlasique

stratigraphie, dynamique sédimentaire, paléogéographie et intéret pétrolier

  • Soussi, Mohamed

Risultati 1-20 di 95