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Risultati 1640-1660 di 8759


lectures presented at the twenty-sixth session of the WMO executive committee

  • World meteorological organization

Bilancio idrologico del bacino del Po per l'anno 1918

  • ItaliaMinistero dei lavori pubbliciReale Commissione per lo studio del regime idraulico del Po6. Compartimento del Genio civileUfficio idrografico del Po Parma

Principles of geology [+]

or, the modern changes of the Earth and its inhabitants : considered as illustrative of geology

  • Lyell, Charles Sir 1797-1875


histoire et vie d'un océan

  • Le Danois, Edouard


an introduction

  • ScarthAlwyn

Argomenti di fisica ambientale e sanitaria

l'ambiente atmosferico; il rumore

  • Lupino, Nicoletta

The Earth beneath the Sea

  • Shepard, Francis Parker

Geografía de la atmósfera

  • Maderey Rascón, Laura Elena

Very slow flows of solids

basics of modeling in geodynamics and glaciology

  • Lliboutry, Louis A.

Deep convection and deep water formation in the oceans

proceedings of the International Monterey Colloquium on deep convection and deep water formation in the oceans

  • International Monterey Colloquium on deep convection and deep water formation in the oceans Monterey 1990