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Risultati 960-980 di 8759

Terza pubblicazione

  • ItaliaMinistero dei lavori pubbliciReale Commissione per gli studi sul regime idraulico del Po

La salvaguardia delle acque sotterranee

modelli di processi di trasporto di sostanze in mezzi porosi naturali

The evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the Earths mantle

a royal Society discussion, organized by D.K. Bailey, J. Tarney and sir Kingsley Dunham, on behalf of the geochemistry group of the mineralogical Society, held on 1 and 2 november 1978


  • Lorente, José María

Developments and interactions of the precambrian atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere

: compilation of papers based on (...) the IGCP Projects 157 and 160 meeting at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico, January 11-14, 1982

Das Stadtklima

  • Kratzer, Albert

Leitfaden der Wetterkunde

gemeinverständlich bearbeitet

  • Börnstein, Richard