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Risultati 3360-3380 di 8759

Actes du premier symposium international sur la protection du patrimoine geologique

Digne les Bains, 11-16 juin 1991

  • Symposium international sur la protection du patrimoine geologique

Atti del 7. convegno

Roma, 30 novembre-2 dicembre 1988

  • Gruppo nazionale di geofisica della terra solida

The changing earth

exploring geology and evolution

  • Monroe, James S.

26. Congres geologique international

  • Congres Geologique International 26. Parigi 1980

15. Congress of the carpatho-balkan geological association

September 17-20, 1995, Athens, Greece : proceedings

  • Congress of the carphato-balkan geological association 15. Atene 1995

Principaux types de cartes en géologie

but, utilisation, élaboration [sous la coordination de O. Serra]

Physical geology

  • Flint, Richard Foster


abstracts : 26. Congrès géologique international, Paris 7-17 juillet 1980

  • Congres Geologique International 26. Parigi 1980

Inversion of potential field data

theory and applications in gravimetry and magnetometry

  • Mirzaei, Mahmoud

Lithosphere dynamics

origin and evolution of continents

La terra e la sua evoluzione

  • Cavallone Peretti, Rita

Geological maps

their solution and interpretation

  • Bolton, T.

Theory, modeling, and field investigation in hydrogeology

a special volume in honor of Shlomo P. Neumans 60th birthday