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Risultati 2360-2380 di 8759

Dynamic stratigraphy

an introduction to sedimentation and stratigraphy $ Robley K. Matthews

  • Matthews, Robley K.

Le néocomien dans le Jura méridional

thèse présentée a la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Genève ...

  • Mouty, Mikhael

Structural landforms

landforms associated with granitic rocks, faults, and folded strata

  • Twidale, C.R.

El Instituto español de oceanografía

75 años de investigación marina en España

Gli acquiferi nella pianura a nord di Vicenza

studio del sistema, bilancio idrico e proposte gestionali


microfossils and geological time

  • McGowran, Brian

A place to Spa

exceptional destination spas from around the world

  • Napier, Eloise

Marine chemistry in the coastal environment

a special symposium sponsored by the Middle Atlantic Region at the 169th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, April 8-10, 1975

Radio meteorology

  • Bean, Bradford R.