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Risultati 340-360 di 1389

Méthodes de prospection de la chromite

compte-rendu d'un séminaire organisé par l'OCDE sur les méthodes scientifiques modernes pour la prospection de la chromite, Athènes, 16-30 avril 1963 : Proceedings of an OECD seminar on modern scientific methods of chromite prospecting, Athens 16th-30th April 1963

  • Organisation de coopération et de développement économiquesConférence technique Parigi Atene 1963


the International association on the genesis of ore deposits

  • IAGOD Symposium 5 Snowbird (Utah) 1978

Manual de geología aplicada

a la agricultura y a las artes industriales

  • Vilanova y PieraJuan

Genesis of Precambrian iron and manganese deposits

proceedings of the Kiev Symposium, 20-25 August 1970 : actes du colloque de Kiev 20-25 août 1970

  • Unesco

Earth resources

  • Skinner, Brian J

Ligniti e torbe dell'Italia continentale

indagini geominerarie effettuate nel periodo 1958-1961 dalla Geomineraria nazionale (GEMINA) di Roma

Fluids in subsurface environments

a symposium

  • Southwestern Federation of Geological Societies

The coal industry in Kentucky

a review of the discovery, development, mining methods, qualities, markets, analyses, geology, correlations, locations, production statistics, and mine operators of the coals of Kentucky, including a complete bibliography. By Willard Rouse Jillson ... Illustrated with forty-two photographs, maps, and diagrams.

  • Jillson, Willard Rouse