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Risultati 1-13 di 13

Thermoluminescence of geological materials

proceedings of a NATO advanced research Institute on applications of thermoluminescence to geological problems

The evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the Earths mantle

a royal Society discussion, organized by D.K. Bailey, J. Tarney and sir Kingsley Dunham, on behalf of the geochemistry group of the mineralogical Society, held on 1 and 2 november 1978

Symposium on geochemistry of groundwater

26th International Geological Congress, Paris, 1980

  • International geological congress 26. Paris 1980

Radiocarbon variations and absolute chronology

proceedings of the twelfth nobel Symposium held at the Institute of Physics at Uppsala University

  • Nobel Symposium 12 Uppsala 1969

Interprétation géologique des mesures effectuées au spectomètre de masse dans le domaine de la géochronologie absolue

Nancy, 3-8 mai 1965

  • Colloque International "Interprétation géologique des mesures effectuées au spectomètre de masse ..." Nancy 1965

Environmental geochemistry

a short course sponsored by the Mineralogical association of Canada and held immediately prior to the Geological association of Canada-Mineralogical association of Canada 1984 joint annual meeting in London, Ontario, May 14-16

Fiftieth anniversary symposia: mineralogy and petrology of the upper mantle, sulfides

mineralogy and geochemistry of non-marine evaporites : presented at the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the founding of the Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, Nov. 8 and 9, 1969

  • Mineralogical Society of America

Geochemical exploration 1974

proceedings of the 5. International geochemical exploration symposium held in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 1-4, 1974

  • International geochemical exploration symposium 5 Vancouver 1974

Fluid-fluid interactions

  • Mineralogical society of America

Origin and distribution of the elements

proceedings of the second symposium Paris, may 1977

Risultati 1-13 di 13