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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 421

Molecular cloning

a laboratory manual

  • Green, Michael R.

Annuario genetico

genomi, clonazioni, cellule staminali, OGM, terapia genica

  • Di Mauro, Ernesto

Genomica integrata

un corso di laboratorio volto alla scoperta

  • Caldwell, Guy A.

Automated enzyme assays

  • Roodyn, Donald Bernard

Regulation of transcription and translation in Eukaryotes

24. Colloquium der Gesellschaft für biologische Chemie 26-28 April 1973 in Mosbach/Baden

  • Gesellschaft für biologische Chemie

Symposium on hormonal control of protein biosynthesis

given at Research conference for biology and medicine of the atomic energy commission, held at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 5-8 1965

  • Symposium on hormonal control of protein biosynthesis Gatlinburg 1965

Biological alkylating agents

fundamental chemistry and the design of compounds for selective toxicity

  • Ross, Walter Charles Joseph 1918-

Molecular plant pathology

  • Dickinson, Matthew 1960-

Electrophoresis of proteins in polyacrylamide and starch gels

An introduction to gel chromatography. Immunochemical techniques for the identification and estimation of macromolecules

  • Gordon, Adrian Hugo

The evaluation of chemical mutagenicity data in relation to population risk

proceedings of the workshop held at Research Triangle Park, N.C., April 26-28, 1973

  • Workshop on the Evaluation of chemical mutagenicity data in relation to population risk Research Triangle Park, N.C. 1973