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Risultati 1-20 di 26

European seashells

Vol. 1, Polyplacophora, caudofoveata, solenogastra, gastropoda

  • Poppe, Guido T.

6: Mollusca 1.

Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora, Gastropoda : the coelomate Bilateria

  • Hyman, Libbie Henrietta

Die Schneckenfauna der Schweiz

ein umfassendes Bild- und Bestimmungsbuch

  • Boschi, Cristina 1972-

Babosas de la peninsula Iberica y Baleares

inventario critico, citas y mapas de distribucion

  • Castillejo, Jose

[Caracoles terrestres de Andalucía]

guía y manual de identificación

Sea-shells of southern Africa


  • Kensley, Brian

British prosobranch and other operculate gastropod molluscs

keys and notes for the identification of the species

  • Graham, Alastair

Risultati 1-20 di 26