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Risultati 1-19 di 19

Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy

an introduction to palynology

  • Erdtman, Gunnar

Lo sperma

biologia, patologia, clinica

  • Miotti, Tito

Pollen grains

their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine

  • Wodehouse, Roger P.


biology and implications for plant breeding : proceedings of the symposium on pollen, biology and implications for plant breeding, Villa Feltrinelli, Lake Garda, Italy, June 23-26, 1982

  • Symposium on Pollen: biology and implications for plant breeding Lago di Garda 1982

Il polline

raccolta, proprietà e usi

  • Caillas, Alin

Le pollen

sa récolte, ses propriétés et ses usages

  • Caillas, Alin

L' origine de la lignée germinale

chez les vertébrés et chez quelques groupes d'invertébrés

Risultati 1-19 di 19