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Risultati 20-40 di 780

Pilze des Waldes


  • Amann, Gottfried

Physiological and genetical aspect of micorrhizae

proceedings of the ist. European Symposium on Mycorrhizae, Dijon, 1-5 July 1985

  • Gianinazzi-pearson, V.

Les champignons

  • Moreau, Fernand

Le genre alternaria

recherches phisiologiques, biologiques et systematiques

  • Joly, Patrick

Mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture

proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America, Denver, 1991


their ecology and physiology

The chemistry and biochemistry of fungi and yeasts

proceedings of thesymposium on the chemistry and biochemistry of fungi and yeasts, held in Dublin, Ireland, 18-20 July, 1963

Applied molecular genetics of fungi

symposium of the British Mycological Society held at the University of Nottingam, April 1990

  • British Mycological Society


proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Leeds, 22-25 July 1974

Die Pilze


  • Schinz, Hans 1858-1941

Die Pilze

Deutschlands, Oesterreichs un der Schweiz. IX abteilung, Fungi imperfecti: Hyphomycetes

Supplementum Universale

Part X, Myxomycetae, Myxobacteriaceae, Deuteromycetae, Mycelia sterilia