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Risultati 20-40 di 3187

Objectif bulles

bande dessinée & histoire

Dirty comics

i pornofumetti americani degli anni '30

Franco contra Flash Gordon

la censura franquista aplicada a les publicaciones infantils i juvenil, 1936-1977

  • Sanchis, Vicent

The visual language of comics

introduction to the structure and cognition of sequential images

  • Cohn, Neil

Eccetto Topolino

lo scontro culturale tra fascismo e fumetti

  • Gadducci, Fabio

Adult comics

an introduction

  • Sabin, Roger

Comic book encyclopedia

the ultimate guide to characters, graphic novels, writers and artists in the comic book universe

  • Goulart, Ron

Maledetti fumetti!

come la grande paura per i 'giornaletti' cambiò la societa statunitense

  • Hajdu, David

La bande dessinee

un expose pour comprendre, un essai pour reflechir

  • Peeters, Benoït

The illustrators

the British art of illustration, 1800-1999

  • Chris Beetles Gallery

Comics, titeres y teatro de sombras

tres formas plasticas de contar historias

  • Angoloti, Carlos

The art of the funnies

an aesthetic history

  • Harvey, Robert C.


antologia psicotropa

  • Pazienza, Andrea