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Risultati 1-20 di 86

Symposium on mango and mango culture

New Delhi, 30 June-6 July, 1969

  • Symposium on mango and mango culture New Delhi 1969

Symposium on tropical and subtropical fruit breeding

Brasilia, Brazil, 29-30 January, 1986

  • Symposium on tropical and subtropical fruit breeding Brasilia 1986

Tecniche di propagazione dell'Actinidia

[elaborato finale per laurea triennale] : tesi di laurea

  • Gnerre, Luigi

Symposium on tropical and subtropical fruits

in marginal environments : in the future : 20. International Horticultural Congress, the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 16 August 1978

  • International horticultural congress 20. Sydney 1978

Third international symposium on kiwifruit

Tessaloniki, Greece : 19-22 September 1995

  • International symposium on kiwifruit 3. Thessaloniki 1995

International symposiumon kiwi fruit

Padova, Italy, 14-17 October 1987

  • Symposium on kiwifruit Padova 1987

Second international workshop on temperate zone fruits in the tropics and subtropics

Cagua, Venezuela : 9-14 December 1985

  • International workshop on temperate zone fruits in the tropics and subtropics 2. Cagua 1985

4. Enfrute

Encontro nacional sobre fruticultura de clima temperato : de 31/7 a 2/8 de 2001, Fraiburgo, SC

  • Enfrute 4. Fraiburgo 2001

Convegno nazionale Actinidia la novità frutticola del 20. secolo

Verona, 21 novembre 2003

  • Convegno nazionale actinidia la novità frutticola del 20. secolo 2003

The second international symposium on kiwifruit

18-21 February 1991, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

  • International symposium on kiwifruit 2. New Zealand 1991


  • Py, Claude

Fruits tropicaux et subtropicaux

index des matières (1940 à 1955) : A à G

  • Gnany, R.

Third international workshop on temperate zone fruits in the tropics and subtropics

Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12-16 December 1988

  • International workshop on temperate zone fruits in the tropics and subtropics 3. Chiang Mai, Thailand 1988

Risultati 1-20 di 86