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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 511

La virescenza dei tessuti nelle colture in vitro

tesi di dottorato

  • Pasqualetto, Pier Luigi

Small-fruit culture

a text for instruction and reference work and a guide for field practice

Symposium on physiology of productivity of subtropical and tropical tree fruits

Brisbane, Australia : 12-17 May 1985

  • Symposium on physiology of productivity of subtropical and tropical tree fruits Brisbane 1985

Symposium on high density planting

East Malling Research Station, Long Ashton Research Station, Wye College, England, 5-11 September 1976 : Wilhelminadrop Research Station, The Netherlands, 12-14 September 1976 ...

  • Symposium on high density planting East Malling, Long Ashton, Wilhelminadorp 1976

Fruit breeding

Hradec Králové, Czechoslovakia, 7-11 September 1987

Third international workshop on temperate zone fruits in the tropics and subtropics

Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12-16 December 1988

  • International workshop on temperate zone fruits in the tropics and subtropics 3. Chiang Mai, Thailand 1988

International Symposium on vaccinium culture

Warsaw, Poland : 24-28 July, 1984

  • Symposium on vaccinium culture Warsaw 1984

Elenco delle cultivar di fruttiferi reperite in Italia

  • Gruppo nazionale di coordinamento difesa delle risorse genetiche delle specie legnose

Atti del Convegno nazionale La coltura dell'actinidia

Faenza 10-12 ottobre 1996

  • Convegno nazionale La coltura dell'actinidiaSezione frutticoltura 1996

Traité pratique d'arboriculture fruitière méridionale

à l'usage des agriculteurs, des maîtres et des elèves de l'enseignement agricole

  • Ravel D'Esclapon, Gabriel de

Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on growth regulators in fruit production

Ithaca, New York, USA, 21-24 June 1981

  • International symposium on growth regulators in fruit production 4. Ithaca 1981

Plantez des arbres fruitiers

création du verger, plantation, culture, description des meilleures variétés de commerce et d'amateur

  • Langevin, Edouard

Le pêcher

l'abricotier, le prunier, le cerisier, le framboisier

  • Passy, Pierre