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Risultati 420-440 di 11496

Celtic heritage

ancient tradition in Ireland and Wales

  • Rees, Alwyn

La fable

huit exposés suivis de discussions

The theory of oral composition

history and methodology

  • Foley, John Miles


lore of the Arizona Yaqui people

  • Kaczkurkin, Mini Valenzuela


mythes et traditions

Inventing superstition

from the Hippocratics to the Christians

  • Martin, Dale B.

Folklor, tradicii, kultura

jubileen sbornik v cest na Stefana Stojkova

Proverbia in fabula

essay on the relationship of the proverb and the fable

Miti, emblemi, spie [+]

morfologia e storia

  • Ginzburg, Carlo

Il duce e il fascismo nei canti dialettali

(contributo alla storia della letteratura e della legislazione)

  • Fichera, Filippo

Sri Muruga

legend, short stories and worship

  • Kabade, Rahul S.

Rinktiniai rastai

[Gotfrydo Ostermejerio 280-ajam gimimo jubiliejui]

  • Ostermeyer, Gottfried

The Sun came down

the history of the world as my Blackfeet Elders told it

  • Bullchild, Percy