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Risultati 1-19 di 19

Lumineszenz-Analyse im filtrierten ultravioletten Licht

ein Hilfsbuch beim Arbeiten mit den Analysen-Lampen

  • Danckwortt, Peter Walter

Les nouvelles méthodes d'analyse

l'emploi de la lumière de wood dans les sciences, l'industrie, l'alimentation, la recherche des fraudes

  • Seyewetz, Jean

Molecular fluorescence

principles and applications

  • Valeur, Bernard

1130: Fluorescence methods and applications

spectroscopy, imaging, and probes


a comprehensive study embracing the theory and applications of luminescence and radiation in physicochemical science

  • De Ment, Jack

Chlorophyll a fluorescence

a signature of photosynthesis

Standards in fluorescence spectrometry

ultraviolet spectrometry group

The story of fluorescence

an explanation of ultraviolet fluorescence with experiments and a descriptive list of fluorescent minerals

  • Raytech industries, inc.

Risultati 1-19 di 19