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Risultati 1-20 di 50

Hormones, homeostasis and the brain

proceedings of the 5. international congress of the International society of psychoneuroendocrinology

  • International society of psychoneuroendocrinology

Human circadian rhythms

  • Conroy, Richard Thomas Walter Lawrence

Circadian rhythms

a report of the 1991 FESN study group on circadian rhythms

Homeostasis in man

fluids, electrolytes, proteins, vitamins and minerals in clinical care

  • Mikal, Stanley

The wisdom of the body

  • Cannon, Walter Bradford

Information and control in the living organism

an elementary introduction

  • Hassenstein, Bernhard

Aspects of human efficiency

diurnal rhythm and loss of sleep : the proceedings of a conference held at Strasbourg in July, 1970 under the aegis of the NATO Scientific affairs division

Automatismi biologici e malattia

un'interpretazione della fisiopatologia come equilibrio omeostatico

  • Ciaranfi, Enrico


origins of the concept

The strange order of things

life, feeling, and the making of the cultures

  • Damasio, Antonio R.

When time breaks down

the three-dimensional dynanics of electrochemical waves and cardiac arrhythmias

  • Winfree, Arthur T.

I ritmi biologici

essere per sapere di essere

  • Codifava, Mauro Angelo

L'orologio della salute

migliorare sonno e umore per vivere meglio con la cronoterapia

  • Terman, Michael

Risultati 1-20 di 50