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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 922

La irrealtà dei centri nervosi

un capitolo di neurologia fisiologica

  • Brugia, Raffaele

Biological psychology

an introduction to behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience

  • Breedlove, S. Marc

From neuron to brain [+]

a cellular approach to the function of the nervous system

  • Kuffler, Stephen W.

The mechanism of nervous action

electrical studies of the neurone

  • Adrian, Edgar Douglas

Doubt and certainty in science

a biologist's reflections on the brain

  • Young, John Zachary

Ultrastructure and metabolism of the nervous system

proceedings of the association, December 9 and 10, 1960, New York

  • Association for research in nervous and mental disease

Brain-endocrine interaction

median eminence : structure and function

  • International symposium on brain-endocrine interaction Munich 1971

Physiology of the nervous system [+]

an introductory text

  • Eyzaguirre, Carlos