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Risultati 1-20 di 50

The myocardial cell

structure, function and modification by cardiac drugs

The heart

physiology, from cell to circulation

  • Opie, Lionel H.

Heart physiology

from cell to circulation

  • Opie, Lionel H.

Cardiovascular sound in health and disease

being a comprehensive treatise, introduced by a historical survey, illustrated mainly by sound spectrograms (spectral phonocardiograms) and supplemented by an extensive bibliography. With a section on respiratory sound

  • McKusick, Victor Almon

Die Schlagzahl des Herzens

in ihrer Abhängigkeit von der Reizung des nervus accelerans

  • Voit, Erwin 1852-1932

The physiological basis of Starling's law of the heart

  • Symposium on the physiological basis of Starling's law of the heart Londra 1973

Die Pulskurve

  • Isebree Moens, A.

Le coeur

  • Heymans, Jean François

Struktur und Stoffwechsel des Herzmuskels

1. Symposion an der medizinischen Universitäts-Klinik Münster (Westf.), 26. und 27. September 1958

Risultati 1-20 di 50