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Risultati 80-100 di 1015

Lectures in theoretical physics

Volume IX A, Mathematical methods of theoretical physics

Corso di fisica teorica

corso di dottorato in fisica, X ciclo - a.a. 1994/95 : dispensa

  • Paffuti, Giampiero

Critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theories

Les Houches, session 43eme: 1 aout - 7 septembre 1984

Modern physics and its philosophy

selected papers in the logic, history and philosophy of science

  • Strauss, Martin

Lectures in theoretical physics

Volume XII B, High energy collisions of elementary particles

Classical charged particles

foundations of their theory

  • Rohrlich, F.

Cargèse lectures in theoretical physics

notes from the French summer school for theoretical physics : Cargèse, Corsica, July 1962

  • French summer school for theoretical physics Cargèse 1962

Relations de dispersion et particules élémentaires

  • Ecole d'été de physique théorique 10. Les Houches 1960

Problemi attuali dell'analisi e della fisica matematica ; cura di Paolo Emilio Ricci

atti del simposio internazionale, Taormina, 15-17 ottobre, 1992

Multiparticle phenomena and inclusive reactions

proceedings of the seventh rencontre de Moriond, Méribél-Lès-Allues, France, March 5-17, 1972. Vol. 2

  • Rencontre de Moriond proceedings 7th Méribel-lés-Allues (France) 1972

The road to reality

complete guide to the laws of the universe

  • Penrose, Roger

Lectures in theoretical physics

Volume VIII B, Fundamental particles and high energy physics : lectures delivered at the Summer institute for theoretical physics, University of Colorado, Boulder 1965

Risultati 80-100 di 1015