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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 340-360 di 1015


pensare la natura : quinto anno

  • Caforio, Antonio

Physique theorique

  • Landau, Lev Davidovič

4: Relativistic quantum theory

  • Berestetskij, Vladimir Borisovič

Topology, geometry and quantum field theory

proceedings of the 2002 Oxford symposium in the honour of the 60th birthday of Graeme Segal

Problems in the foundations of physics

  • Scuola internazionale di fisica Enrico Fermi

Quantum non-locality and relativity

metaphysical intimations of modern physics

  • Maudlin, Tim

Mechanique quantique. Thermodynamique

travaux diriges

  • Hulin-Jung, Nicole

1: Wave mechanics

elementary theory

  • Frenkel, J.

Clifford algebra

a computational tool for physicists

  • Snygg, John

Figuring space

philosophy, mathematics and physics

  • Châtelet, Gilles

Symmetries in quantum mechanics and quantum optics

proceedings of the 1. international workshop : Burgos (Spain) 21-24 september 1998

  • Ballesteros, Angel