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Risultati 140-160 di 839

Raum und Zeit im lichte der neueren Physik

eine allgemeinverständliche Entwicklung des raumzeitlichen Relativitätsgedankens bis zum Relativitätsprinzip

  • Witte, Hans

L'espace et le temps

  • Borel, Émile Félix Édouard Justin 1871-1956

Einstein's legacy

the unity of space and time

  • Schwinger, Julian Seymour

Special relativity

  • Schröder, Ulrich E.

Quantum mechanics

  • Merzbacher, Eugen

Journées relativistes 1989

Tours, 27-29 avril 1989

Energy and geometry

an introduction to deformed special relativity

  • Cardone, Fabio

Relativistic theories of gravitation ; July, 1962

proceedings of a conference held in Warsaw and Jablonna

Readable relativity

  • Durell, Clement Vavasor

The eleventh Marcel Grossmann meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theory

proceedings of the MG11 meeting on general relativity, Berlin (Germany), 23-29 July 2006

  • Marcel Grossmann meeting 11. Berlin 2006