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Risultati 320-340 di 839

Relativity, groups, particles

special relativity and relativistic symmetry in field and particle physics

  • Sexl, Roman

Relativite, groupes et topologie 2.

Les Houches, session XL, 27 juin-4 aout

  • Ecole d'ete de physique theorique 40. Les Houches 1983

Geometric aspects of the Einstein equations and integrable systems

proceedings of the sixth Scheveningen conference, Scheveningen, the Netherlands, August 26-31, 1984

  • Scheveningen conference \6. ; 1984 ; Scheveningen!

Gravity [+]

an introduction to Einstein's general relativity

  • Hartle, James B.

Gravitation and cosmology [+]

principles and applications of the general theory of relativity

  • Weinberg, Steven 1933-2021

General relativity and gravitation

one hundred years after the birth of Albert Einstein

Modern general relativity

black holes, gravitational waves and cosmology

  • Guidry, Mike

Proceedings of Journées relativistes 1983 [+]

Torino, may 5-8, 1983

  • Journées relativistes Torino 1983