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Risultati 140-160 di 737

Unrolling time

Christian Huygens and the mathematization of nature

  • Yoder, Joella G.

Cosmic anger

Abdus Salam, the first muslim Nobel scientist

  • Fraser, Gordon 1943-

Ernst Machʼs world elements

a study in natural philosophy

  • Banks, Erik C.

Tra atomi e indivisibili [+]

la materia ambigua di Galileo

  • Galluzzi, Paolo


a scientific biography

  • Kragh, Helge

Niels Bohr's times [+]

in physics, philosophy and polity

  • Pais, Abraham

A singularly unfeminine profession

one woman's journey in physics

  • Gaillard, Mary K.

Erich Huckel (1896-1980)

from physics to quantum chemistry

  • Karachalios, Andreas

Storie di uomini e quarks [+]

la fisica sperimentale a Pisa e lo sviluppo della sezione dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (1960-2010) : una serie di interviste condotte da Luisa Bonolis

The Max Born centenary conference

OPTICS 82, ECOSA 82 : September 7-10, 1982, Edinburgh, Scotland

Einstein, 1879-1955

colloque du centenaire, Collège de France 6-9 Juin 1979

The Born - Einstein letters

correspondence between Albert Einstein and Max and Hedwig Born from 1916 to 1955

  • Einstein, Albert

Men of physics

Benjamin Thompson - Count Rumford : Count Rumford on the nature of heat

  • Brown, Sanborn Conner

Murray Gell-Mann

selected papers

  • Gell-Mann, Murray