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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 360

SU2 -> SU3 -> SU6

(lectures presented during the Spring and Autumn of 1965 in Professor Weisskopf's Monday afternoon seminars intended mainly for younger experimental physicists)

  • Weisskopf, Victor Frederick

Basic Bethe

seminal articles on nuclear physics, 1936-1937

  • Bethe, Hans Albrecht

Proceeding of the IWM2005 International workshop on multifragmentation and related topics

Catania, 28 November - 1 December 2005

  • International workshop on multifragmentation and related topics Catania 2005

BNL Summer study on CP violation 1990

Brookhaven national laboratory, May 21-June 22 1990

  • BNL Summer study on CP violation Brookhaven national laboratory 1990

Annual report 2009

  • Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleareLaboratori nazionali di Legnaro

Sezione nucleare

giugno 1957

  • Rassegna internazionale elettronica nucleare 4. Roma 1957

Selected works of Hans A bethe

with commentary

  • Bethe, Hans Albrecht

CP violation

  • Branco, Gustavo Castelo