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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1440-1460 di 4285

Elementary particle physics

  • Mukhin, Konstantin Nikiforovic

Review of quasi two- body reactions

rapporteur' s talk given at XV international conference on high energy physics, Kiev 1970

  • Morrison, D. R. O.

Proceedings of the international conference on nuclear physics

Florence, August 29-September 3, 1983

  • International conference on nuclear physics Florence 1983

Elementary particle physics

  • Tokyo summer institute of theoretical physics 2. Oiso 1966

The partonic structure of the photon

photoproduction at the lepton-proton collider HERA

  • Erdmann, Martin

1996 European school of high-energy physics

Carry-le-Rouet, France, 1-14 September 1996 : proceedings

  • European school of high-energy physics Carry-le-Rouet 1996

WIN 97

proceedings of the 16th workshop on Weak interactions and neutrinos : Capri, Italy, 22-28 June 1997

  • Workshop on weak interactions and neutrinos 16. Capri 1997

High energy hadronic interactions

proceedings of the 25. Rencontre de Moriond Les Arcs, Savoie, France march 11-17, 1990

  • Rencontre de Moriond 25. Les Arcs 1990

Hadbuch der physik.

Vol. 31: Korpuskeln und strahlung in materie 1

CAS CERN accelerator school

advanced accelerator physics : the Queen's College, Oxford, England 16-27 september 1985 : proceedings

  • Cern accelerator school Oxford, England 1985

Partons in soft-hadronic processes

proceedings of the Europhysics study conference, Erice, Italy, March 8-14, 1981

  • Europhysics study conference Erice 1981

Proceedings of eigth rencontre de moriond, Meribel-les-Allues March 4-16, 1973.

Vol. I: Electromagnetic and weak interactions. Compte rendu de la huitieme rencontre de moriond, Meribel-les-Allues March 4-16, 1973.. Vol. I: Interactions faibles et electrom