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Risultati 1060-1080 di 4285

Nuclear structure and nuclear reactions ; rendiconti della Scuola internazionale di fisica "Enrico Fermi", XL corso, Varenna sul Lago di Como, 26 giugno-15 luglio 1967

proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi", course XL , Varenna on lake Como, 26th June-15th July 1967

  • International school of physics Enrico Fermi 40 Varenna 1967

Proceedings of the SLC workshop on experimental use of the SLAC linear collider

March 1982

  • SLC workshop on experimental use of the SLAC linear collider Stanford 1982

Three-dimensional partonic structure of the nucleon

proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi", course CLXXX : Varenna on Lake Como (Villa Monastero), 28 June - 8 July 2011

  • International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" 180. Varenna 2011

The neutrino

  • Allen, James S.

Results and perspectives in particle physics

les rencontres de physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : La Thuile, Aosta Valley, March 1-7, 1998

  • Rencontres de physique de la Vallée d'Aoste La Thuile, Italia 1998

Stochastic cooling for beginners

lectures given at the Cern accelerator school on antiprotons for colliding beam facilities: Geneva, 11-21 october 1983

  • Möhl, D.

Nucleon structure

proceedings of the international conference at Stanford university, June 24-27, 1963

  • International conference on nucleon structure Standford, California 1963

Heavy flavours and high-energy collisions in the 1-100 TeV range

[proceedings of the 6th and 7th INFN Eloisatron project workshops held June 10-27, 1988, at the Centro di cultura scientifica Ettore Majorana, Erice, Italy]

  • Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron project 6. Erice, Italy 1988

Proceedings of the 1976 KEK summer school

Tsukuba, August 11-14 1976

  • KEK summer school 5. Tsukuba 1976