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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 640-660 di 4285

Ecole d'ete de physique des particules

Gif-sur-Yvette, 7. session, 8-19 septembre 1975

  • Ecole d'été de physique des particules 7. Gif-sur-Yvette, Francia 1975

Advanced technology and particle physics

proceedings of the 6th International conference on advanced technology and particle physics : Villa Olmo, Como, Italy : 5-9 October 1998

  • International conference on advanced technology and particle physics 6. Como 1998

7th International Conference on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear physics

Paris, 9-13 juiliet 1990

  • International Conference on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics 7 Parigi 1990

Proceedings of the XVIII International linear accelerator conference

August 26-30, 1996 : Geneva, Switzerland

  • International linear accelerator conference 18. Geneva 1996


proceedings of the international conference on CP violation physics : Ferrara, Italy, 18-22 september 2000

  • International conference on CP violation physics Ferrara 2000

Proceedings of the III international workshop on physics and detectors for da[ph]ne

Laboratori nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, November 16-19, 1999

  • Workshop on physics and detectors for da[ph]ne 3. Frascati, Italy 1999

The structure of matter

  • Karapet'janc, Michaïl Christoforovic

Proceedings of the Advanced ICFA beam dynamics workshop on beam dynamics issues for e+e- factories

Laboratori nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, October 20-25, 1997

  • Advanced ICFA beam dynamics workshop Frascati, Italy 1997

The CP puzzle

strange decays of the neutral kaon

  • Kabir, P.K.