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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 300-320 di 571

Metodi matematici della fisica [+]

  • Toraldo di Francia, Giuliano

The geometry of physics [+]

an introduction

  • Frankel, Theodore

Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations

fundamentals and applications

  • Frank, Till Daniel

Rays, Waves and Scattering

Topics in Classical Mathematical Physics

  • Adam, John A.

Physics of stochastic processes

how randomness acts in time

  • Mahnke, Reinhard

Simulating the Physical World

Hierarchical Modeling from Quantum Mechanics to Fluid Dynamics

  • Berendsen, Herman J. C.

The mathematical mechanic

using physical reasoning to solve problems

  • Ageev, M.

An introduction to stochastic processes in physics

containing "On the theory of Brownian Motion" by Paul Langevin, translated by Anthony Gythiel

  • Lemons, Don Stephen

Mathematical physics [+]

a modern introduction to its foundations

  • Hassani, Sadri

Probabilità in fisica


  • Boffetta, Guido

Computational physics

  • Thijssen, Joseph Marie

Broken symmetry

selected papers of Y. Nambu

  • Nambu, Y.