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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 560-580 di 644

Solid state physics

problems and solutions

  • Mihaly, Laszlo

Out of the crystal maze

chapters from the history of solid-state physics

The Costitution of glasses

a dynamic interpretation

  • Weyl, Woldemar A.

Condensed matter physics

crystals, liquids, liquid crystals, and polymers

  • Strobl, Gert

More is different [+]

fifty years of condensed matter physics

Vvedenie v fiziku tverdogo tela

  • Kacnel'son, Al'bert Anatol'evič

From coherent tunneling to relaxation

dissipative quantum dynamics of interacting defects

  • Wurger, Alois

A short course on topological insulators

band structure and edge states in one and two dimensions

  • Asboth, Janos K.