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Risultati 20-40 di 57

Cosmic rays 97

solar, heliospheric, astrophysical and high energy aspects : proceedings of the 15th European Cosmic ray symposium : Perpignan, France, 26-30 August 1996 : aspects solaires, heliospheriques, astrophysiques et corpusculaires en physique des hautes energies : comptes rendus du 15ème Symposium Européen des rayons cosmiques

  • European cosmic ray symposium 15. Perpignan, France 1996

Handbuch der physik.

Vol. 46, part 2: Kosmische strahlung 2

Cosmic ray physics

  • Montgomery, D. J. X.

Les rayons cosmiques

dans leurs rapports avec l'électricité atmosphérique, la météorologie, le géomagnétisme et l'astronomie

  • Dauvillier, Alexandre

Kosmische Strahlung

Vorträge gehalten im Max-Plank-Institut für Phisik Göttingen

Cosmic ray, particle and astroparticle physics

a conference in honour of Giuseppe Occhialini, Bruno Pontecorvo and Bruno Rossi : Florence, 11-13 september 1995

Cosmic ray physics [+]

nuclear and astrophysical aspects

  • Hayakawa, Satio

Cosmic rays

variations and space explorations

  • Dorman, L. I.

Cosmic rays

  • Hillas, A. M.

Very high energy cosmic ray interactions

proceedings of the 12th international symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 July 2002

  • International symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions 12. Ginevra 2002

A thin cosmic rain

particles from outer space

  • Friedlander, Michael W.

Cosmic rays at earth

researchers reference manual and data book

  • Grieder, P. K. F.

Very high energy cosmic ray interactions [+]

proceedings of the 10th International symposium on Very high energy cosmic ray interactions : Laboratori nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, Italy, 12-17 July 1998

  • International symposium on Very high energy cosmic ray interactions 10. Assergi 1998

GZK and surroundings

proceedings of the Cosmic ray international seminars, Catania, Italy, May 31-June 4, 2004

  • Cosmic ray international seminars Catania 2004