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Risultati 180-200 di 254

High energy physics and nuclear structure

proceedings of the ninth International conference on high energy physics and nuclear structure, Versailles, 6-10 July 1981

  • International conference on high energy physics and nuclear structure 9. Versailles, France 1981

Handbuch der physik.

Vol. 42: Kernreaktionen 3

Electronic and ionic impact phenomena

  • Massey, Harrie Stewart Wilson

Proceedings of the 4th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms

Varenna, June 10-15, 1985

  • International conference on nuclear reaction mechanism 4. Varenna 1985

The nucleon-nucleon interaction

experimental and phenomenological aspects

  • Wilson, Richard

Proceedings of the XXII international conference on physics in collision

  • International conference on physics in collision 22. Stanford, CA 2002

Proceedings of the XVIII International conference on physics in collision

Laboratori nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, June 17-19, 1998

  • International conference on physics in collision 18. Frascati, Italy 1998

Compilation of cross sections

VI - [pigreco] induced reactions

Progress in particle and nuclear physics.

Vol. 28: 4pi-high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. proceedings of the international school of nuclear physics, Erice, 20-29 September 1991