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Risultati 4800-4820 di 10202

Le jeu savant

luce e oscurità nell'architettura del XX secolo

Sistemi fotovoltaici

impianti solari in conto energia

  • Vincenti, Antonio 1975-


84 esercizi : soluzione guidata e commentata

  • Barmada, Sami

European scrambling systems

circuits, tectics and techniques

  • McCormac, John

Heat transfer in electronic equipment, 1986

presented at the AIAA/ASME 4th thermophysics and heat transfer conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 2-4, 1986

  • AIAA/ASME thermophysics and heat transfer conference 4. Boston 1986

Solar energy handbook

theory and applications

  • Ametek Power Systems Group

Machine design fundamentals

a mechanical designers' workbook

ASME boiler and pressure vessel code

Section 3, Division 1, Rules for construction of nuclear power plant components, General requirements

  • American society of mechanical engineers boiler and pressure vessel committeeSubcommittee on nuclear power