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Risultati 4120-4140 di 10202

Power cables

their design and installation

  • Barnes, Cyril Charles

Nonlinear circuits handbook

designing with analog function modules and IC's

  • Analog devices engineering staff

Solid-state communications

design of communications equipment using semiconductors

Radar cross section

analysis and control

  • Bhattacharyya, Asoke K.

Elsevier's dictionary of television and video recording

in six languages : English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German

  • Clason, W.E.

The electrical engineer's reference book

a comprehensive work of reference, providing a summary of latest practice in all branches of electrical engineering

Gli accumulatori

teoria, costruzione, manutenzione, applicazioni

  • Bermbach, Willibald

Manuale del meccanico

  • Perondi, Ernesto Tito

Microwave communications

  • Angelakos, Diogenes J.

Semiconduttori, transistori, diodi al germanio

teoria, tecnologia, applicazioni

  • Baroni, Riccardo