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Risultati 1600-1620 di 9229


  • Westfall, Richard S.

La ricerca nell'insegnamento della fisica nella scuola secondaria superiore

atti del 9. convegno del Gruppo nazionale di didattica della fisica del CNR Pisa, 23-25 settembre 1991

  • Consiglio nazionale delle ricercheGruppo nazionale di didattica della fisica

Quantum mechanics [+]

foundations and applications

  • Böhm, Arno

The Wulff crystal in ising and percolation models

ecole d'ete de probabilites de Saint-Flour, 34., 2004

  • Cerf, Raphaël

Théorie générale des particules a spin

méthode de fusion

  • De Broglie, Louis

Physics of continuous media

a collection of problems with solutions for physics students

  • Vekstein, Gregory E.

1989 Cern-Jinr school of physics, Egmond-aan-Zee, 25 June-8 July 1989


  • Cern-Jinr school of physics Egmond-aan-Zee 1989

Point defects in metals II

dynamical properties and diffusion controlled reactions

  • Dederichs, Peter H.

The Fermi surface

its concept, determination, and use in the physics of metals

  • Cracknell, Arthur P.

Plasma physics

  • Chandrasekhar, Sivaramakrishna

Few-body problems in physics '98

proceedings of the 16th european conference on few-body problems in physics : Autrans, France, June 1 - 6, 1998

  • European conference on few-body problems in physics 16. Autrans, Francia 1998

A tribute to Niels Bohr

special colloquium held at Cern on 6 May 1985