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Risultati 1340-1360 di 9229

Teaching physics in Europe

activities, outcomes & recommendations of the STEPS TWO project

Les méthodes de l'homogénéisation

théorie et applications en physique

  • Bergman, D.

Méthode a pas fractionnaires

résolutions de problèmes polydimensionnels de physique mathématique

  • Yanenko, Nikolaij Nokolaevich

Quantum mathematical physics

atoms, molecules and large systems

  • Thirring, Walter

Invariant wave equations

proceedings of the Ettore Majorana International School of Mathematical Physics held in Erice, June 27 to July 9, 1977

Fisica e Chimica

ad uso delle scuole di avviamento commerciale, industriale femminile ed agrario

  • Straneo, Stefano Lodovico

Group theoretical methods in physics

sixth international colloquium, Tübingen 1977

  • International colloquium on group theoretical methods in physics 6. Tübingen 1977

Quantum field theory

a selection of papers in memoriam Kurt Symanzik

Anderson localization

proceedings of the fourth Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-shi, Japan, November 3-8, 1981

  • Taniguchi international symposium on the Theory of condensed matter 4. Sanda-shi 1981

Quantum gravity 2

a second Oxford symposium

Relativistic action at a distance: classical and quantum aspects

proceedings of a workshop held in Barcelona (Spain), June 15-21, 1981